Results for 'Antonio Arellano Duque'

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  1.  17
    Mirar la Pedagogía desde tiempos inciertos.Antonio Arellano Duque - 2005 - In Antonio Arellano (ed.), La educación en tiempos débiles e inciertos. Bogotá (Colombia): Convenio Andrés Bello. pp. 79.
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    La educación en tiempos débiles e inciertos.Antonio Arellano (ed.) - 2005 - Bogotá (Colombia): Convenio Andrés Bello.
    Este texto es el producto de un intercambio que parte del reconocimiento de una profunda crisis cultural de la Educacion e intenta, desde los bordes de los saberes institucionalizados localizar lugares compartidos de deflexión situada ...
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Organizational Climate.Segundo Antonio Espinoza Palomino, Raquel Silva Juárez, María-Verónica Seminario-Morales, Segundo Ramos Villalta Arellano, Mirian Elizabeth Arévalo Rodríguez & Priscila E. Lujan-Vera - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):47-54.
    Retraction note: Espinoza Palomino, S. A., Silva Juárez, R., Seminario-Morales, M. V., Villalta Arellano, S. R., Arévalo Rodríguez, M. E. & Lujan-Vera, P. E. (2023). Organizational Climate: Characterization from the Perspective of Senati Students - Peru. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 21(1), 47-54. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, (...)
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    Organizational Climate: Characterization from the Perspective of Senati Students - Perú.Segundo Antonio Espinoza Palomino, Raquel Silva Juárez, María-Verónica Seminario-Morales, Segundo Ramos Villalta Arellano, Mirian Elizabeth Arévalo Rodríguez & Priscila E. Lujan-Vera - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):47-54.
    The organizational climate is the work environment conceived by emotions and motivation of an organization and, an optimal way of increasing participation is with working groups in the dependencies to improve: objectives, processes, conflicts, leadership. Thus the objective was to determine the characterization of variables. The method incorporates the quantitative approach, non -experimental design, descriptive level, applied and transversal type, analysis and deductive methods. The results show, there is a high organizational climate level, due to the contribution of three dimensions (...)
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    José GRANADOS – Juan Antonio GRANADOS – Carlos GRANADOS, ¿Tendrán fe nuestros hijos? Educar desde la vida sacramental, Madrid, Didáskalos, 2019, 144 pp. [REVIEW]Fernando Chica Arellano - 2020 - Isidorianum 29 (1):211-214.
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    Hegel: la odisea del espíritu.Félix Duque (ed.) - 2010 - Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes.
    Hegel. La Odisea del Espíritu reúne la totalidad de las conferencias pronunciadas en el congreso homónimo que, coordinado por Félix Duque, se celebró en el Círculo de Bellas Artes y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid entre el 28 de mayo y el 1 de junio de 2007 con motivo del segundo centenario de la publicación de "La Fenomenología del Espíritu". El congreso reunió a los mayores especialistas en la obra del pensador alemán y el resultado es una aportación de (...)
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  7. El duque de Almodóvar y las libertades inglesas.Antonio Hermosa Andújar - 2011 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 22.
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    CAPIZZI, Antonio: Introducción a Parménides, trad. cast. Nacho Duque, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2016, 179p. [REVIEW]Olaya Fernández Guerrero - 2018 - Agora 37 (1).
    Se trata de una recensión, por lo que no se incluye resumen.
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  9. Homenaje al filósofo venezolano Alberto Rosales.Roberto Walton - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 15 (8).
    Axiological foundations of free speach. Belandria, Margarita y González R., Javier Voluntad, ausencias, y normas: el sustrato histórico del positivismo en el derecho. Will, absences and norms: the historical background of positivism in law. Carpintero Benítez, Francisco Nominalismo jurídico, escolástica española y tradición republicana. Juridical nominalism, spanish scholasticism and republican tradition. Casanova Guerra, Carlos El primer principio de la razón práctica en la teoría de la ley natural de John Finnis. The first principle of practical reason in John Finnis´s natural (...)
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    (1 other version)Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State.Antonio Negri - 1999 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Kan demokrati - folkets magt - realiseres. Forfatteren gennemgår dette på baggrund af den konflikt, der altid har været mellem den påtvungne magt og den valgte magt.
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    Introduction: Revisiting Early Modern Iberian Science, from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries.Antonio Sánchez & Henrique Leitão - 2016 - Early Science and Medicine 21 (2-3):107-112.
  12. The Ground Zero of Semantics.Antonio Capuano - 2012 - In J. - Leonardi Almog (ed.), Having In Mind. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
  13. Fundamentos axiológicos de la libertad de expresión.Margarita Belandria & Javier Gonzalez - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 15 (8).
    Axiological foundations of free speach. Belandria, Margarita y González R., Javier Voluntad, ausencias, y normas: el sustrato histórico del positivismo en el derecho. Will, absences and norms: the historical background of positivism in law. Carpintero Benítez, Francisco Nominalismo jurídico, escolástica española y tradición republicana. Juridical nominalism, spanish scholasticism and republican tradition. Casanova Guerra, Carlos El primer principio de la razón práctica en la teoría de la ley natural de John Finnis. The first principle of practical reason in John Finnis´s natural (...)
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  14. La conciencia moral hoy.Antonio Hortelano - 1971 - Madrid,: Edit. P. S.. Edited by Josef Endres & Domenico[From Old Catalog] Capone.
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    Problemas actuales de moral.Antonio Hortelano - 1979 - Salamanca: Sígueme.
    v. 1. Introducción a la teología moral. La conciencia moral -- v. 2. La violencia, el amor y la sexualidad -- v. 3. Etica y religión.
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  16. Il concetto di diritto oggi. Quattro tesi sul ruolo della fiosofia.Antonio Incampo - 2016 - In Bruno Montanari (ed.), Filosofia del diritto: il senso di un insegnamento. Milano: Mimesis.
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    La politica italiana nel 1871-1872: corrispondenze alle "Basler Nachrichten".Antonio Labriola - 1998 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Stefano Miccolis.
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    Valor apostólico del sufrimiento.Antonio Guzmán del Val - forthcoming - Isidorianum:111-141.
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  19. Toward a Common Understanding of the Objectives of Staff Development in Philosophy for Children.Dale Cannon - 1990 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 11 (1).
    The Association of Staff Developers in Philosophy for Children came into being in 1988. It was the result of staff developers feelin a need to be a part of an ongoing community of inquiry among themselves concerning problems of staff development, drawing upon our collective experience as staff developers, and recognizing our autonomy as philosophers. At the San Antonio Symposium in April of 1989, an Excutivr Board of 5 persons was elected: Marie Hungerman, Gerard Potvin, Cynthia Duque, Ron (...)
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    Rewritten or Reused? Originality, Intertextuality, and Reuse in the Writings of a Buddhist Visionary in Contemporary Tibet.Antonio Terrone - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):203-231.
    The study of Buddhist texts can inform us of the way scriptures were composed, as well as illuminate the reasons behind their production. This study examines the phenomenon of borrowing and reusing portions of texts without attributing them to their ‘legitimate authors’ within the Buddhist world of contemporary Tibet. It shows that not only is such a practice not at all infrequent and is often socially accepted, but that it is used in this case as a platform to advance specific (...)
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    Further Selections From the Prison Notebooks.Antonio Gramsci - 1995 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  22.  34
    The Dynamics of Epistemic Attitudes in Resource-Bounded Agents.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque & Emiliano Lorini - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):457-488.
    The paper presents a new logic for reasoning about the formation of beliefs through perception or through inference in non-omniscient resource-bounded agents. The logic distinguishes the concept of explicit belief from the concept of background knowledge. This distinction is reflected in its formal semantics and axiomatics: we use a non-standard semantics putting together a neighborhood semantics for explicit beliefs and relational semantics for background knowledge, and we have specific axioms in the logic highlighting the relationship between the two concepts. Mental (...)
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    Stone-Type Representations and Dualities for Varieties of Bisemilattices.Antonio Ledda - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):417-448.
    In this article we will focus our attention on the variety of distributive bisemilattices and some linguistic expansions thereof: bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices. After extending Balbes’ representation theorem to bounded, De Morgan, and involutive bisemilattices, we make use of Hartonas–Dunn duality and introduce the categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\. The categories of 2spaces and 2spaces\ will play with respect to the categories of distributive bisemilattices and De Morgan bisemilattices, respectively, a role analogous to the category of Stone spaces (...)
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    On Provability Logics with Linearly Ordered Modalities.Lev D. Beklemishev, David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (3):541-566.
    We introduce the logics GLP Λ, a generalization of Japaridze’s polymodal provability logic GLP ω where Λ is any linearly ordered set representing a hierarchy of provability operators of increasing strength. We shall provide a reduction of these logics to GLP ω yielding among other things a finitary proof of the normal form theorem for the variable-free fragment of GLP Λ and the decidability of GLP Λ for recursive orderings Λ. Further, we give a restricted axiomatization of the variable-free fragment (...)
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    Henri de Lubac.Antonio Russo - 1994 - San Paolo.
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    Acknowledgments.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden (eds.), Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter.
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    Frontmatter.Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden - 2017 - In Antonio Cimino, George Henry van Kooten & Gert Jan van der Heiden (eds.), Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought. De Gruyter.
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    An agent-oriented account of Piaget’s theory of interactional morality.Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):649-676.
    In this paper, we present a formal interpretive account of Jean Piaget’s theory of the morality that regulates social exchanges, which we call interactional morality. First, we place Piaget’s conception in the context of his epistemological and sociological works. Then, we review the core of that conception: the two types of interactional moralities that Piaget identified to be usual in social exchanges, and the role that the notion of respect-for-the-other plays in their definition. Next, we analyze the main features of (...)
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    Garantismo constitucional y cosmopolitismo en la era postpandemia. Perspectivas y desafíos.Antonio Mesa León - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 42:2-22.
    La crisis sanitaria mundial ha propiciado un fecundo debate iusfilosófico en lo referente a la protección de los derechos humanos. El nuevo escenario exige respuestas nuevas por parte de la filosofía del derecho. En este trabajo se somete a crítica la teoría del garantismo constitucional de Luigi Ferrajoli, cuestionándose su idoneidad como marco de referencia para afrontar los mencionados desafíos. La crítica se centra en la concepción ferrajoliana de la democracia y en su proyección cosmopolita. Se argumentará que la extensión (...)
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  30. Giorgio Agamben: The discreet taste of the dialectic.Antonio Negri - 2007 - In Matthew Calarco & Steven DeCaroli (eds.), Giorgio Agamben: sovereignty and life. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 109--125.
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    GARRIDO CLEMENTE, P., Obra completa del sufí Ibn Masarra de Córdoba. Córdoba, Almuzara, 2022.Antonio de Diego González - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (1):153-156.
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    Frame-validity Games and Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Modal Axioms.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque, Andreas Herzig & Petar Iliev - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):155-185.
    We introduce frame-equivalence games tailored for reasoning about the size, modal depth, number of occurrences of symbols and number of different propositional variables of modal formulae defining a given frame property. Using these games, we prove lower bounds on the above measures for a number of well-known modal axioms; what is more, for some of the axioms, we show that they are optimal among the formulae defining the respective class of frames.
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    Some aspects of ethical argumentation: A reply to Daniel dahlstorm and John Marshall.Antonio S. Cua - 1987 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 14 (4):501-516.
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    "Undecidable Time: The Political Use of the Limits of Derrida's Democracy to Come" in Limina: Thresholds and Borders (eds.) J. Goering, F. Guardiani, G. Silano (Ottawa: Legas, 2005), 31-49.Antonio Calcagno - 2005 - In J. Goering, F. Guardiani & G. Silano (eds.), Limina: Thresholds and Borders F. Guardiani, G. Silano (Ottawa: Legas, 2005), 31–49. Legas Publishing.
  35. Salazar, prime minister of Portugal says..António Oliveira Salazader - 1939 - Lisbon,: SPN Books.
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    Non-idempotent intersection types for the Lambda-Calculus.Antonio Bucciarelli, Delia Kesner & Daniel Ventura - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):431-464.
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    Afghanistan, Poland and Peaceful Coexistence.Antonio Carlo - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (47):55-65.
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    Trabalho E história: Espinosa E a gênese do direito comum.Antônio David - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 41:173-215.
    Assunto pouco estudado na obra de Espinosa, o trabalho ocupa centralidade em seu pensamento acerca do direito comum. Através do exame das ocorrências do trabalho nos dois tratados políticos, bem como da observância da correta tradução de _ opera mutua _, procura-se jogar nova luz sobre a história em Espinosa, em particular sobre a gênese do direito comum e sobre as ideias de justiça e injustiça nesse autor.
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    Ilario di Poitiers e la universa caro assunta dal Verbo nei Tractatus super Psalmos.Antonio Orazzo - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):399-419.
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  40. La ley natural en las enseñanzas de Juan Pablo II : ¿nuevo tomismo?Antonio Osuna - 2002 - Ciencia Tomista 129 (129418):209.
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    Planetenkonzeptionen im alten Iran und der Prozess ihrer Dämonisierung: Visuelles Material und Modelle der Inklusion und Exklusion in der Wissensgeschichte Irans.Antonio Panaino - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (3):359-389.
    The present contribution offers an overview of the main problems concerning the representation of the planets in the pre-Islamic Iranian world, the origin of their denominations, their astral roles and the reasons behind their demonization in the Zoroastrian and Manichaean frameworks. This is a preliminary attempt to resume the planetary iconography and iconology in western and eastern Iranian sources, involving also external visual data, such as those coming from Dunhuang and the Chinese world. The article offers an intellectual journey into (...)
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  42. Saggi inediti giovanili.Antonio Rosmini - 1986 - Roma: Istituto di studi filosofici. Edited by Vincenzo Sala.
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    El Ministerio Sacerdotal en San Isidoro de Sevilla. Aproximación "teológica", "pastoral" y "espiritual".Antonio Bueno Ávila - 2023 - Isidorianum 19 (37):9-42.
    San Isidoro de Sevilla destaca por poseer un saber universal. Esta universalidad de su saber también es expresada en su reflexión sobre el ministerio sacerdotal. A través de una triple aproximación «teológica», «pastoral» y «espiritual», invita a los obispos y presbíteros a vivir su ministerio de una forma «eclesial», «virtuosa» y «santa».
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    Dell'esperimento Scientifico E di Quello Metafisico.Antonio Aliotta - 1930
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    Unemployment.Antonio Carlo - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (38):5-31.
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  46. Il pensiero politico di G. B. Vico.Antonio Corsano - 1923 - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (2):163.
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    Hacia un rescate de utopías y sueños colectivos.Antonio Elizalde & Eduardo Yentzen - 2003 - Polis 6.
    Sin utopía la vida sería un ensayo para la muerte(Joan Manuel Serrat)El imaginario que se ha ido instalando en el mundo que vivimos, ha desechado lo que ha sido un elemento constitutivo hasta ahora en la historia de la humanidad: la capacidad de soñar con un mundo distinto y mejor al que hemos sido capaces hasta ahora de construir. Hemos pasado abruptamente desde una época casi delirantemente utópica, al descrédito y desplome casi absoluto de todas las utopías. El desplome de (...)
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  48. Cuidados paliativos.Antonio Pascual Lopez - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (1):71-78.
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  49. La filosofía del derecho como tarea: cuestiones y trayectorias de investigación.Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:547-570.
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    Nuevo siglo, neorrealismo y mundo.Antonio T. Olivares - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 90:191-214.
    Nuestro siglo avanza, y una cierta perspectiva de él, o por lo menos de su inicio, empieza a perfilarse. En el panorama reflexivo ha ido tomando fuerza un movimiento que podría pretenderse como la emblemática filosofía del s. XXI: nos referimos al neorrealismo. El presente trabajo ensaya un acercamiento a tal movimiento de la mano de uno de sus afamados representantes, Markus Gabriel; podemos aprovechar el examen de algunas de las tesis del autor germano para hacernos una idea de por (...)
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